- Father, I lift up ___. I thank you for your grace and peace to ___. I bless you Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ for blessing ___ with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies; according as you have chosen ___ in Jesus before the foundation of the world, that ___ should be holy and without blame before You in love. Thank you for making ___ accepted in your presence through Your beloved Son Jesus and for the redemption ___ has through His blood including the forgiveness of ___ sins according to the riches of your grace.
Thank you that in Jesus ___ has obtained an inheritance that ___ should be to the praise of Your glory; that through Jesus ___ has trusted the gospel of ___ salvation and are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who guarantees ___ inheritance until the redemption of ___ body. I cease not to give thanks for ___ that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto ___ the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; the eyes of ___ understanding being enlightened; that ___ may know what is the hope of your calling- Your plans and purposes for ___ life, both individually and corporately and what the riches (abundance to over flowing) of the glory of Your inheritance (that the Holy Spirit guarantees) in ___ and that ___ would see and understand by experience what is the exceeding greatness of your forceful, miracle producing ability to ___ who believes, according to the working of your mighty strength which you worked in Christ when you raised Him from the dead and ___ along with Him and set Jesus at your own right hand in the heavenlies and ___ along with Him in your presence.
___ is seated with Jesus far above all principality, authority, might, dominion and dominating force, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and You Father God have put all of the above mentioned things under His feet and ___, and gave Jesus to be the head over all to the church- that is your corporate body that I am a part of- our body that is filled and expresses in the world the fullness of Jesus.
- I submit my heart and life unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family (that I am a part of) in heaven and earth is named that God would grant ___ according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in ___ inner man; that Christ may dwell in ___ heart by faith; that ___ being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend (to fully and completely grasp by revelation and renewing of the mind) what is the breadth, and length, depth and height; and to know by experience and actual encounters the love of Christ, which passes knowledge (of mere intellectual understanding) that ___ might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that ___ asks or thinks, according to the forceful, miracle producing ability that works in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages (that I am a part of) world without end.
- Military Prayer:
We proclaim by the word and power of God that ____________
And all that are with them
Are delivered from violence
And violent men
And from injury and death
And that your angels go before
And beside them with divine protection
We proclaim that they perform their duties
With distinction, favor and honor
- Father, thank you for providing
Forgiveness by the blood of Jesus
For my life
Forgive me for where I have missed it
Forgive my ______
And give me life instead
Father forgive me for making decisions
In my life today
Based on my or others past mistakes
Forgive me for self- condemnation
And judging myself after the flesh
And not the Spirit
Help me to renew my mind
Through Your word
And by the teaching of the Holy Spirit
To see myself and my sonship as you do
To walk as a mature son of God
Discerning good and evil
And always choosing good